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ERDDAP > info > delayed_SEA066_M56

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The Dataset's Variables and Attributes

Row Type Variable Name Attribute Name Data Type Value
attribute NC_GLOBAL acknowledgement String This study used data collected and made freely available by Voice of the Ocean Foundation ( accessed from
attribute NC_GLOBAL AD2CP String {'calibration_date': '2022-03-15', 'factory_calibrated': 'Yes', 'long_name': 'Nortek Glider1000 AD2CP', 'make': 'Nortek', 'make_model': 'Nortek AD2CP', 'model': 'AD2CP', 'serial': '103360'}
attribute NC_GLOBAL basin String Åland Sea
attribute NC_GLOBAL cdm_data_type String TimeSeries
attribute NC_GLOBAL cdm_timeseries_variables String profile_index
attribute NC_GLOBAL contributor_name String Callum Rollo, Louise Biddle, Olle Petersson, Aleksandra Mazur, Marcus Melin, Gunnar Johnsson, Andrew Birkett, Chiara Monforte
attribute NC_GLOBAL contributor_role String Data Processor, PI, Head of Operations, Glider Technician, Glider Technician, Glider Technician, Glider Technician, Glider Pilot
attribute NC_GLOBAL Conventions String CF-1.10, COARDS, ACDD-1.3
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_email String callum.rollo at
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_name String Callum Rollo
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_type String person
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_url String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL ctd String {'calibration_date': '2023-08-02', 'factory_calibrated': 'Yes', 'long_name': 'RBR legato CTD', 'make': 'RBR', 'make_model': 'RBR legato CTD', 'model': 'legato', 'serial': '205047'}
attribute NC_GLOBAL dataset_id String delayed_SEA066_M56
attribute NC_GLOBAL date_created String 2024-07-18T22:13:50Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL date_issued String 2024-07-18T22:13:50Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL deployment_end String 2024-06-04T10:42:09.151000000
attribute NC_GLOBAL deployment_id String 56
attribute NC_GLOBAL deployment_name String SAMBA
attribute NC_GLOBAL deployment_start String 2024-04-30T08:42:17.159000000
attribute NC_GLOBAL disclaimer String Data, products and services from VOTO are provided 'as is' without any warranty as to fitness for a particular purpose.
attribute NC_GLOBAL Easternmost_Easting double 19.6951847076416
attribute NC_GLOBAL featureType String TimeSeries
attribute NC_GLOBAL format_version String
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_max double 60.11827087402344
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_min double 59.99833297729492
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_units String degrees_north
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_max double 19.6951847076416
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_min double 19.366384506225586
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_units String degrees_east
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_max double 243.54791116005006
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_min double -0.09915576976025926
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_positive String down
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_units String m
attribute NC_GLOBAL glider_instrument_name String seaexplorer
attribute NC_GLOBAL glider_model String SeaExplorer
attribute NC_GLOBAL glider_name String Saltarv
attribute NC_GLOBAL glider_serial String 66
attribute NC_GLOBAL history String CPROOF glider toolbox version: pre-tag
attribute NC_GLOBAL id String Saltarv66-20240430T0842
attribute NC_GLOBAL infoUrl String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL institution String Voice of the Ocean Foundation
attribute NC_GLOBAL keywords String 20240430t0842, 700_nm_scattering_of_particles_integrated_over_the_backwards hemisphere, 700_nm_wavelength_total_volume_scattering_coefficient, accelerometer, acoustic, ad2cp, adcp, adcp_AccelerometerX, adcp_AccelerometerY, adcp_AccelerometerZ, adcp_Ambiguity, adcp_Heading, adcp_MagnetometerTemperature, adcp_MagnetometerX, adcp_MagnetometerY, adcp_MagnetometerZ, adcp_Pitch, adcp_Pressure, adcp_PressureSensorTemperature, adcp_Roll, adcp_RTCTemperature, adcp_SpeedOfSound, adcp_Status, adcp_time, adcp_TransmitEnergy, adcp_WaterTemperature, altimeter, ambiguity, angle, angular, angular_cmd, angular_command, angular_pos, angular_position, autonomous underwater vehicles, auvs, backscatter, backscatter_raw, backscatter_scaled, backwards, ballast, ballast_cmd, ballast_command, ballast_pos, ballast_position, cdom, cdom_raw, chemistry, chlorophyll, chlorophyll_qc, chlorophyll_raw, coefficient, color, colored, command, concentration, concentration_of_chlorophyll_in_sea_water, concentration_of_chlorophyll_in_sea_water_flag, concentration_of_colored_dissolved_organic_matter_in_sea_water, conductivity, conductivity_qc, control, current, currents, data, dead, dead_reckoning, declination, degree, density, density_qc, depth, desired, desired_heading, direction, dissolved, dissolved o2, distance, distance_over_ground, dive, dive_num, dive_number, doppler, earth, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Chemistry > Chlorophyll, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Chemistry > Oxygen, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Pressure > Water Pressure, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Temperature > Potential Temperature, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Temperature > Water Temperature, Earth Science > Oceans > Salinity/Density > Conductivity, Earth Science > Oceans > Salinity/Density > Potential Density, Earth Science > Oceans > Salinity/Density > Salinity, electrical, energy, filename, flag, flags, flown, foundation, glider, glider_altimeter_reading, ground, heading, hemisphere, index, integrated, internal, internal_pressure, internal_temperature, latitude, level, linear, linear_cmd, linear_command, linear_pos, linear_position, longitude, magnetometer, matter, mission, mole, mole_concentration_of_dissolved_molecular_oxygen_in_sea_water, mole_concentration_of_dissolved_molecular_oxygen_in_sea_water_flag, molecular, nav, nav_resource, nav_state, navigation, navigation_state, number, O2, ocean, ocean color, ocean pressure, ocean temperature, oceanography, oceans, optical, optical properties, organic, orientation, original, over, oxygen, oxygen_concentration, oxygen_concentration_qc, particles, particulate_backscatter, physical, physical oceanography, pitch, platform, platform_desired_orientation, platform_orientation, platform_pitch_angle, platform_roll_angle, platform_voltage, position, potential, potential_density, potential_density_qc, potential_temperature, potential_temperature_qc, practical, pressure, profile, profile_direction, profile_index, profile_num, profiler, properties, quality, raw, raw_700_nm_wavelength_backscatter_in_sea_water, raw_chlorophyll_in_sea_water, raw_colored_dissolved_organic_matter_in_sea_water, reading, reckoning, recorded, resource, roll, rtctemperature, salinity, salinity/density, salinity_qc, saltarv66, saltarv66-20240430t0842, scattering, science, sea, sea_water_density_flag, sea_water_electrical_conductivity, sea_water_electrical_conductivity_flag, sea_water_potential_density, sea_water_potential_density_flag, sea_water_potential_temperature, sea_water_potential_temperature_flag, sea_water_practical_salinity, sea_water_practical_salinity_flag, sea_water_pressure, sea_water_temperature, sea_water_temperature_flag, seaexplorer, seafloor, seawater, security, security_level, sensor, since, sound, speed, start, state, statistics, status, temperature, temperature_of_sensor_for_oxygen_in_sea_water, temperature_oxygen, temperature_qc, time, total, transmit, velocity, vertical, vertical_distance_to_seafloor, voice, voltage, volume, water, water pressure, water temperature, wavelength
attribute NC_GLOBAL keywords_vocabulary String GCMD Science Keywords
attribute NC_GLOBAL license String Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 ( This study used data collected and made freely available by Voice of the Ocean Foundation ( accessed from
attribute NC_GLOBAL metadata_link String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL naming_authority String Voice of the Ocean Foundation
attribute NC_GLOBAL netcdf_version String 4.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL Northernmost_Northing double 60.11827087402344
attribute NC_GLOBAL optics String {'calibration_date': '2022-05-10', 'calibration_parameters': {'CDOM_DarkCounts': 49, 'CDOM_SF': 0.0904, 'Chl_DarkCounts': 49, 'Chl_SF': 0.0121, 'SIG_DarkCounts': 46, 'SIG_SF': 3.145e-06}, 'factory_calibrated': 'Yes', 'long_name': 'Wetlabs ECO Puck FLBBPC', 'make': 'Wetlabs', 'make_model': 'Wetlabs FLBBPC', 'model': 'FLBBCD', 'serial': '7564'}
attribute NC_GLOBAL oxygen String {'calibration_date': '2023-08-26', 'factory_calibrated': 'Yes', 'long_name': 'JFE Advantech RINKO-FT', 'make': 'JFE Advantech', 'make_model': 'JFE Advantech AROD_FT', 'model': 'AROD-FT', 'serial': '0067'}
attribute NC_GLOBAL platform String SeaExplorer Glider
attribute NC_GLOBAL processing_level String L1. Quality control flags from IOOS QC QARTOD Version: 2.1.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL project String SAMBA
attribute NC_GLOBAL project_url String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL publisher_email String callum.rollo at
attribute NC_GLOBAL publisher_name String Callum Rollo
attribute NC_GLOBAL publisher_type String person
attribute NC_GLOBAL publisher_url String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL references String created with pyglider
attribute NC_GLOBAL sea_name String Baltic
attribute NC_GLOBAL source String Observational data from a profiling glider.
attribute NC_GLOBAL sourceUrl String (local files)
attribute NC_GLOBAL Southernmost_Northing double 59.99833297729492
attribute NC_GLOBAL standard_name_vocabulary String CF Standard Name Table v70
attribute NC_GLOBAL subsetVariables String profile_index
attribute NC_GLOBAL summary String Part of SAMBA continuous monitoring
attribute NC_GLOBAL testOutOfDate String now-90days
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_coverage_end String 2024-06-04T10:42:09Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_coverage_start String 2024-04-30T08:42:17Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL title String Saltarv66-20240430T0842
attribute NC_GLOBAL total_dives long 502
attribute NC_GLOBAL transmission_system String IRIDIUM
attribute NC_GLOBAL variables String time
attribute NC_GLOBAL Westernmost_Easting double 19.366384506225586
attribute NC_GLOBAL wmo_id String 6801505
variable time   double  
attribute time _CoordinateAxisType String Time
attribute time actual_range double 1.7144665371590002E9, 1.717497729151E9
attribute time axis String T
attribute time calendar String proleptic_gregorian
attribute time ioos_category String Time
attribute time long_name String Time
attribute time standard_name String time
attribute time time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute time units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
variable latitude   double  
attribute latitude _CoordinateAxisType String Lat
attribute latitude _FillValue double NaN
attribute latitude actual_range double 59.99833297729492, 60.11827087402344
attribute latitude axis String Y
attribute latitude colorBarMaximum double 90.0
attribute latitude colorBarMinimum double -90.0
attribute latitude comment String Estimated between surface fixes
attribute latitude conversion String nmea2deg
attribute latitude coordinate_reference_frame String urn:ogc:crs:EPSG::4326
attribute latitude ioos_category String Location
attribute latitude long_name String Latitude
attribute latitude observation_type String measured
attribute latitude platform String platform
attribute latitude references String WGS84
attribute latitude source String NAV_LATITUDE
attribute latitude standard_name String latitude
attribute latitude units String degrees_north
attribute latitude valid_max double 90.0
attribute latitude valid_min double -90.0
variable longitude   double  
attribute longitude _CoordinateAxisType String Lon
attribute longitude _FillValue double NaN
attribute longitude actual_range double 19.366384506225586, 19.6951847076416
attribute longitude axis String X
attribute longitude colorBarMaximum double 180.0
attribute longitude colorBarMinimum double -180.0
attribute longitude comment String Estimated between surface fixes
attribute longitude conversion String nmea2deg
attribute longitude coordinate_reference_frame String urn:ogc:crs:EPSG::4326
attribute longitude ioos_category String Location
attribute longitude long_name String Longitude
attribute longitude observation_type String measured
attribute longitude platform String platform
attribute longitude references String WGS84
attribute longitude source String NAV_LONGITUDE
attribute longitude standard_name String longitude
attribute longitude units String degrees_east
attribute longitude valid_max double 180.0
attribute longitude valid_min double -180.0
variable depth   double  
attribute depth _CoordinateAxisType String Height
attribute depth _CoordinateZisPositive String down
attribute depth _FillValue double NaN
attribute depth accuracy String 1
attribute depth actual_range double -0.09915576976025926, 243.54791116005006
attribute depth axis String Z
attribute depth colorBarMaximum double 8000.0
attribute depth colorBarMinimum double -8000.0
attribute depth colorBarPalette String TopographyDepth
attribute depth comment String from science pressure and interpolated
attribute depth instrument String instrument_ctd
attribute depth ioos_category String Location
attribute depth long_name String glider depth
attribute depth observation_type String calulated
attribute depth platform String platform
attribute depth positive String down
attribute depth precision String 2
attribute depth reference_datum String surface
attribute depth source String pressure
attribute depth standard_name String depth
attribute depth units String m
attribute depth valid_max double 2000.0
attribute depth valid_min double 0.0
variable adcp_AccelerometerX   float  
attribute adcp_AccelerometerX _FillValue float NaN
attribute adcp_AccelerometerX actual_range float -1.020935, 0.9072876
attribute adcp_AccelerometerX description String Accelerometer reading in last measurement interval
attribute adcp_AccelerometerX ioos_category String Location
attribute adcp_AccelerometerX long_name String Adcp Accelerometer X
attribute adcp_AccelerometerX missing_value float NaN
attribute adcp_AccelerometerX units String g
variable adcp_AccelerometerY   float  
attribute adcp_AccelerometerY _FillValue float NaN
attribute adcp_AccelerometerY actual_range float -0.9185791, 0.9007568
attribute adcp_AccelerometerY description String Accelerometer reading in last measurement interval
attribute adcp_AccelerometerY ioos_category String Location
attribute adcp_AccelerometerY long_name String Adcp Accelerometer Y
attribute adcp_AccelerometerY missing_value float NaN
attribute adcp_AccelerometerY units String g
variable adcp_AccelerometerZ   float  
attribute adcp_AccelerometerZ _FillValue float NaN
attribute adcp_AccelerometerZ actual_range float -1.265564, 0.0993042
attribute adcp_AccelerometerZ description String Accelerometer reading in last measurement interval
attribute adcp_AccelerometerZ ioos_category String Location
attribute adcp_AccelerometerZ long_name String Adcp Accelerometer Z
attribute adcp_AccelerometerZ missing_value float NaN
attribute adcp_AccelerometerZ units String g
variable adcp_Ambiguity   float  
attribute adcp_Ambiguity _FillValue float NaN
attribute adcp_Ambiguity actual_range float 4.768, 5.011
attribute adcp_Ambiguity description String Ambiguity velocity corrected for sound velocity
attribute adcp_Ambiguity ioos_category String Unknown
attribute adcp_Ambiguity long_name String Adcp Ambiguity
attribute adcp_Ambiguity missing_value float NaN
attribute adcp_Ambiguity units String m/s
variable adcp_Heading   float  
attribute adcp_Heading _FillValue float NaN
attribute adcp_Heading actual_range float 0.01, 359.98
attribute adcp_Heading ioos_category String Unknown
attribute adcp_Heading long_name String Adcp Heading
attribute adcp_Heading missing_value float NaN
attribute adcp_Heading units String Degrees
variable adcp_MagnetometerTemperature   float  
attribute adcp_MagnetometerTemperature _FillValue float NaN
attribute adcp_MagnetometerTemperature actual_range float -9.125, 0.375
attribute adcp_MagnetometerTemperature description String Uncalibrated temperature reading from the magnetometer
attribute adcp_MagnetometerTemperature ioos_category String Temperature
attribute adcp_MagnetometerTemperature long_name String Adcp Magnetometer Temperature
attribute adcp_MagnetometerTemperature missing_value float NaN
attribute adcp_MagnetometerTemperature units String ---
variable adcp_MagnetometerX   float  
attribute adcp_MagnetometerX _FillValue float NaN
attribute adcp_MagnetometerX actual_range float -523.0, 1098.0
attribute adcp_MagnetometerX description String Magnetometer reading in last measurement interval
attribute adcp_MagnetometerX ioos_category String Location
attribute adcp_MagnetometerX long_name String Adcp Magnetometer X
attribute adcp_MagnetometerX missing_value float NaN
variable adcp_MagnetometerY   float  
attribute adcp_MagnetometerY _FillValue float NaN
attribute adcp_MagnetometerY actual_range float -582.0, 552.0
attribute adcp_MagnetometerY description String Magnetometer reading in last measurement interval
attribute adcp_MagnetometerY ioos_category String Location
attribute adcp_MagnetometerY long_name String Adcp Magnetometer Y
attribute adcp_MagnetometerY missing_value float NaN
variable adcp_MagnetometerZ   float  
attribute adcp_MagnetometerZ _FillValue float NaN
attribute adcp_MagnetometerZ actual_range float -457.0, 1799.0
attribute adcp_MagnetometerZ description String Magnetometer reading in last measurement interval
attribute adcp_MagnetometerZ ioos_category String Location
attribute adcp_MagnetometerZ long_name String Adcp Magnetometer Z
attribute adcp_MagnetometerZ missing_value float NaN
variable adcp_Pitch   float  
attribute adcp_Pitch _FillValue float NaN
attribute adcp_Pitch actual_range float -85.43999, 65.42
attribute adcp_Pitch ioos_category String Unknown
attribute adcp_Pitch long_name String Adcp Pitch
attribute adcp_Pitch missing_value float NaN
attribute adcp_Pitch units String Degrees
variable adcp_Pressure   float  
attribute adcp_Pressure _FillValue float NaN
attribute adcp_Pressure actual_range float 0.396, 245.339
attribute adcp_Pressure ioos_category String Pressure
attribute adcp_Pressure long_name String Adcp Pressure
attribute adcp_Pressure missing_value float NaN
attribute adcp_Pressure units String dbar
variable adcp_PressureSensorTemperature   float  
attribute adcp_PressureSensorTemperature _FillValue float NaN
attribute adcp_PressureSensorTemperature actual_range float 1.2, 19.6
attribute adcp_PressureSensorTemperature colorBarMaximum double 40.0
attribute adcp_PressureSensorTemperature colorBarMinimum double -10.0
attribute adcp_PressureSensorTemperature description String Pressure sensor temperature
attribute adcp_PressureSensorTemperature ioos_category String Temperature
attribute adcp_PressureSensorTemperature long_name String Adcp Pressure Sensor Temperature
attribute adcp_PressureSensorTemperature missing_value float NaN
attribute adcp_PressureSensorTemperature units String C
variable adcp_RTCTemperature   float  
attribute adcp_RTCTemperature _FillValue float NaN
attribute adcp_RTCTemperature actual_range float 4.0, 21.75
attribute adcp_RTCTemperature colorBarMaximum double 40.0
attribute adcp_RTCTemperature colorBarMinimum double -10.0
attribute adcp_RTCTemperature description String Real time clock temperature
attribute adcp_RTCTemperature ioos_category String Temperature
attribute adcp_RTCTemperature long_name String Adcp RTCTemperature
attribute adcp_RTCTemperature missing_value float NaN
attribute adcp_RTCTemperature units String C
variable adcp_Roll   float  
attribute adcp_Roll _FillValue float NaN
attribute adcp_Roll actual_range float -87.73, 65.2
attribute adcp_Roll ioos_category String Unknown
attribute adcp_Roll long_name String Adcp Roll
attribute adcp_Roll missing_value float NaN
attribute adcp_Roll units String Degrees
variable adcp_SpeedOfSound   float  
attribute adcp_SpeedOfSound _FillValue float NaN
attribute adcp_SpeedOfSound actual_range float 1411.2, 1483.3
attribute adcp_SpeedOfSound ioos_category String Currents
attribute adcp_SpeedOfSound long_name String Adcp Speed Of Sound
attribute adcp_SpeedOfSound missing_value float NaN
attribute adcp_SpeedOfSound units String m/s
variable adcp_Status   float  
attribute adcp_Status _FillValue float NaN
attribute adcp_Status actual_range float 6.755451E8, 7.090995E8
attribute adcp_Status ioos_category String Unknown
attribute adcp_Status long_name String Adcp Status
attribute adcp_Status missing_value float NaN
variable adcp_TransmitEnergy   float  
attribute adcp_TransmitEnergy _FillValue float NaN
attribute adcp_TransmitEnergy actual_range float 451.0, 505.0
attribute adcp_TransmitEnergy description String Transmit Energy
attribute adcp_TransmitEnergy ioos_category String Unknown
attribute adcp_TransmitEnergy long_name String Adcp Transmit Energy
attribute adcp_TransmitEnergy missing_value float NaN
variable adcp_WaterTemperature   float  
attribute adcp_WaterTemperature _FillValue float NaN
attribute adcp_WaterTemperature actual_range float 1.71, 20.32
attribute adcp_WaterTemperature colorBarMaximum double 32.0
attribute adcp_WaterTemperature colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute adcp_WaterTemperature ioos_category String Temperature
attribute adcp_WaterTemperature long_name String Sea Water Temperature
attribute adcp_WaterTemperature missing_value float NaN
attribute adcp_WaterTemperature standard_name String sea_water_temperature
attribute adcp_WaterTemperature units String C
variable adcp_time   double  
attribute adcp_time actual_range double -9.223372036854776E18, 1.717497779E9
attribute adcp_time calendar String proleptic_gregorian
attribute adcp_time ioos_category String Time
attribute adcp_time long_name String AD2CP recorded time
attribute adcp_time platform String platform
attribute adcp_time source String AD2CP_TIME
attribute adcp_time standard_name String time
attribute adcp_time time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute adcp_time units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
variable altimeter   double  
attribute altimeter _FillValue double NaN
attribute altimeter actual_range double -1.0, 32.17075077893945
attribute altimeter ioos_category String Unknown
attribute altimeter long_name String glider altimeter reading
attribute altimeter platform String platform
attribute altimeter source String Altitude
attribute altimeter standard_name String glider_altimeter_reading
variable angular_cmd   short  
attribute angular_cmd _FillValue short 32767
attribute angular_cmd actual_range short -70, 70
attribute angular_cmd ioos_category String Unknown
attribute angular_cmd long_name String glider angular command
attribute angular_cmd platform String platform
attribute angular_cmd source String AngCmd
attribute angular_cmd standard_name String angular_command
attribute angular_cmd units String degrees
variable angular_pos   float  
attribute angular_pos _FillValue float NaN
attribute angular_pos actual_range float -70.8, 70.8
attribute angular_pos ioos_category String Unknown
attribute angular_pos long_name String glider angular position
attribute angular_pos platform String platform
attribute angular_pos source String AngPos
attribute angular_pos standard_name String angular_position
attribute angular_pos units String degrees
variable backscatter_raw   short  
attribute backscatter_raw _FillValue short 32767
attribute backscatter_raw actual_range short -1408, 4130
attribute backscatter_raw colorBarMaximum double 100.0
attribute backscatter_raw colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute backscatter_raw instrument String instrument_scatterometer
attribute backscatter_raw ioos_category String Statistics
attribute backscatter_raw long_name String raw 700 nm wavelength backscatter
attribute backscatter_raw platform String platform
attribute backscatter_raw source String FLBBCD_BB_700_COUNT
attribute backscatter_raw standard_name String raw_700_nm_wavelength_backscatter_in_sea_water
attribute backscatter_raw units String counts
variable backscatter_scaled   float  
attribute backscatter_scaled _FillValue float NaN
attribute backscatter_scaled actual_range float -0.00457283, 0.01284418
attribute backscatter_scaled colorBarMaximum double 4.0
attribute backscatter_scaled colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute backscatter_scaled instrument String instrument_scatterometer
attribute backscatter_scaled ioos_category String Optical Properties
attribute backscatter_scaled long_name String 700 nm β total volume scattering coefficient at 117 degree angle
attribute backscatter_scaled missing_value float NaN
attribute backscatter_scaled observation_type String calculated
attribute backscatter_scaled platform String platform
attribute backscatter_scaled sensitivity String 0.002
attribute backscatter_scaled source String FLBBCD_BB_700_SCALED
attribute backscatter_scaled standard_name String 700_nm_wavelength_total_volume_scattering_coefficient
attribute backscatter_scaled units String m-1 sr-1
attribute backscatter_scaled valid_max float 3.0
attribute backscatter_scaled valid_min float 0.0
variable ballast_cmd   short  
attribute ballast_cmd _FillValue short 32767
attribute ballast_cmd actual_range short -500, 500
attribute ballast_cmd ioos_category String Unknown
attribute ballast_cmd long_name String glider ballast command
attribute ballast_cmd platform String platform
attribute ballast_cmd source String BallastCmd
attribute ballast_cmd standard_name String ballast_command
attribute ballast_cmd units String ml
variable ballast_pos   float  
attribute ballast_pos _FillValue float NaN
attribute ballast_pos actual_range float -518.7608, 509.6824
attribute ballast_pos ioos_category String Unknown
attribute ballast_pos long_name String glider ballast position
attribute ballast_pos platform String platform
attribute ballast_pos source String BallastPos
attribute ballast_pos standard_name String ballast_position
attribute ballast_pos units String ml
variable cdom   float  
attribute cdom _FillValue float NaN
attribute cdom actual_range float -112.548, 131.532
attribute cdom colorBarMaximum double 400.0
attribute cdom colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute cdom instrument String instrument_flourometer
attribute cdom ioos_category String Unknown
attribute cdom long_name String colored dissolved organic matter
attribute cdom missing_value float NaN
attribute cdom observation_type String calculated
attribute cdom platform String platform
attribute cdom sensitivity String 0.28
attribute cdom source String FLBBCD_CDOM_SCALED
attribute cdom standard_name String concentration_of_colored_dissolved_organic_matter_in_sea_water
attribute cdom units String mg m-3
attribute cdom valid_max float 375.0
attribute cdom valid_min float 0.0
variable cdom_raw   short  
attribute cdom_raw _FillValue short 32767
attribute cdom_raw actual_range short -1196, 1504
attribute cdom_raw colorBarMaximum double 100.0
attribute cdom_raw colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute cdom_raw instrument String instrument_scatterometer
attribute cdom_raw ioos_category String Statistics
attribute cdom_raw long_name String raw colored dissolved organic matter
attribute cdom_raw platform String platform
attribute cdom_raw source String FLBBCD_CDOM_COUNT
attribute cdom_raw standard_name String raw_colored_dissolved_organic_matter_in_sea_water
attribute cdom_raw units String counts
variable chlorophyll   float  
attribute chlorophyll _FillValue float NaN
attribute chlorophyll actual_range float -11.2167, 36.058
attribute chlorophyll colorBarMaximum double 30.0
attribute chlorophyll colorBarMinimum double 0.03
attribute chlorophyll colorBarScale String Log
attribute chlorophyll instrument String instrument_flourometer
attribute chlorophyll ioos_category String Ocean Color
attribute chlorophyll long_name String chlorophyll
attribute chlorophyll missing_value float NaN
attribute chlorophyll observation_type String calculated
attribute chlorophyll platform String platform
attribute chlorophyll sensitivity String 0.025
attribute chlorophyll source String FLBBCD_CHL_SCALED
attribute chlorophyll standard_name String concentration_of_chlorophyll_in_sea_water
attribute chlorophyll units String mg m-3
attribute chlorophyll valid_max float 50.0
attribute chlorophyll valid_min float 0.0
variable chlorophyll_qc   byte  
attribute chlorophyll_qc _FillValue byte 127
attribute chlorophyll_qc actual_range byte 1, 4
attribute chlorophyll_qc colorBarMaximum double 10.0
attribute chlorophyll_qc colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute chlorophyll_qc comment String Quality control flags from IOOS QC QARTOD Version: 2.1.0. Using config: [<Call stream_id=chlorophyll function=qartod.gross_range_test(suspect_span=[0, 15], fail_span=[-1, 20])>, <Call stream_id=chlorophyll function=qartod.spike_test(suspect_threshold=1, fail_threshold=5)>, <Call stream_id=chlorophyll function=qartod.location_test(bbox=[10, 50, 25, 70])>].
attribute chlorophyll_qc flag_meanings String GOOD, UNKNOWN, SUSPECT, FAIL, MISSING
attribute chlorophyll_qc flag_values long 1, 2, 3, 4, 9
attribute chlorophyll_qc ioos_category String Quality
attribute chlorophyll_qc ioos_qc_module String qartod
attribute chlorophyll_qc long_name String quality control flags for chlorophyll
attribute chlorophyll_qc quality_control_conventions String IOOS QARTOD standard flags
attribute chlorophyll_qc quality_control_set long 1
attribute chlorophyll_qc standard_name String concentration_of_chlorophyll_in_sea_water_flag
attribute chlorophyll_qc valid_max byte 9
attribute chlorophyll_qc valid_min byte 1
variable chlorophyll_raw   short  
attribute chlorophyll_raw _FillValue short 32767
attribute chlorophyll_raw actual_range short -878, 3029
attribute chlorophyll_raw colorBarMaximum double 100.0
attribute chlorophyll_raw colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute chlorophyll_raw instrument String instrument_flourometer
attribute chlorophyll_raw ioos_category String Statistics
attribute chlorophyll_raw long_name String raw chlorophyll
attribute chlorophyll_raw platform String platform
attribute chlorophyll_raw source String FLBBCD_CHL_COUNT
attribute chlorophyll_raw standard_name String raw_chlorophyll_in_sea_water
attribute chlorophyll_raw units String counts
variable conductivity   float  
attribute conductivity _FillValue float NaN
attribute conductivity accuracy String 0.003
attribute conductivity actual_range float -0.0014, 8.248376
attribute conductivity colorBarMaximum double 40.0
attribute conductivity colorBarMinimum double 30.0
attribute conductivity comment String Corrected for pressure lag in post-processing.
attribute conductivity instrument String instrument_ctd
attribute conductivity ioos_category String Salinity
attribute conductivity long_name String water conductivity
attribute conductivity missing_value float NaN
attribute conductivity observation_type String measured
attribute conductivity platform String platform
attribute conductivity source String LEGATO_CONDUCTIVITY
attribute conductivity standard_name String sea_water_electrical_conductivity
attribute conductivity units String mS cm-1
attribute conductivity valid_max float 85.0
attribute conductivity valid_min float 0.0
variable conductivity_qc   byte  
attribute conductivity_qc _FillValue byte 127
attribute conductivity_qc actual_range byte 1, 4
attribute conductivity_qc colorBarMaximum double 10.0
attribute conductivity_qc colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute conductivity_qc comment String Quality control flags from IOOS QC QARTOD Version: 2.1.0. Using config: [<Call stream_id=conductivity function=qartod.gross_range_test(suspect_span=[5, 42], fail_span=[2, 45])>, <Call stream_id=conductivity function=qartod.location_test(bbox=[10, 50, 25, 70])>]. Threshold values from EuroGOOS DATA-MEQ Working Group (2010) Recommendations for in-situ data Near Real Time Quality Control [Version 1.2]. EuroGOOS, 23pp. DOI
attribute conductivity_qc flag_meanings String GOOD, UNKNOWN, SUSPECT, FAIL, MISSING
attribute conductivity_qc flag_values long 1, 2, 3, 4, 9
attribute conductivity_qc ioos_category String Quality
attribute conductivity_qc ioos_qc_module String qartod
attribute conductivity_qc long_name String quality control flags for water conductivity
attribute conductivity_qc quality_control_conventions String IOOS QARTOD standard flags
attribute conductivity_qc quality_control_set long 1
attribute conductivity_qc standard_name String sea_water_electrical_conductivity_flag
attribute conductivity_qc valid_max byte 9
attribute conductivity_qc valid_min byte 1
variable dead_reckoning   float  
attribute dead_reckoning _FillValue float NaN
attribute dead_reckoning actual_range float 0.0, 1.0
attribute dead_reckoning ioos_category String Unknown
attribute dead_reckoning long_name String dead reckoning
attribute dead_reckoning platform String platform
attribute dead_reckoning source String DeadReckoning
attribute dead_reckoning standard_name String dead_reckoning
attribute dead_reckoning units String None
variable declination   float  
attribute declination _FillValue float NaN
attribute declination actual_range float 8.0, 8.0
attribute declination ioos_category String Unknown
attribute declination long_name String declination
attribute declination platform String platform
attribute declination source String Declination
attribute declination standard_name String declination
attribute declination units String degrees
variable density   float  
attribute density _FillValue float NaN
attribute density accuracy String 0.01
attribute density actual_range float 994.5445, 1006.904
attribute density colorBarMaximum double 37.0
attribute density colorBarMinimum double 32.0
attribute density comment String Corrected for pressure lag in post-processing.
attribute density instrument String instrument_ctd
attribute density ioos_category String Salinity
attribute density long_name String water salinity
attribute density method String get_derived_eos_raw
attribute density missing_value float NaN
attribute density observation_type String calulated
attribute density platform String platform
attribute density precision String 0.01
attribute density sources String conductivity temperature pressure
attribute density standard_name String sea_water_practical_salinity
attribute density units String 1e-3
attribute density valid_max float 40.0
attribute density valid_min float 0.0
variable density_qc   byte  
attribute density_qc _FillValue byte 127
attribute density_qc actual_range byte 1, 4
attribute density_qc colorBarMaximum double 10.0
attribute density_qc colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute density_qc comment String Quality control flags from IOOS QC QARTOD Version: 2.1.0. Using config: [<Call stream_id=temperature function=qartod.gross_range_test(suspect_span=[0, 30], fail_span=[-2.5, 40])>, <Call stream_id=temperature function=qartod.spike_test(suspect_threshold=2.0, fail_threshold=6.0)>, <Call stream_id=temperature function=qartod.location_test(bbox=[10, 50, 25, 70])>, <Call stream_id=conductivity function=qartod.gross_range_test(suspect_span=[5, 42], fail_span=[2, 45])>, <Call stream_id=salinity function=qartod.gross_range_test(suspect_span=[5, 38], fail_span=[2, 41])>, <Call stream_id=salinity function=qartod.spike_test(suspect_threshold=0.3, fail_threshold=0.9)>, <Call stream_id=salinity function=qartod.location_test(bbox=[10, 50, 25, 70])>]. Threshold values from EuroGOOS DATA-MEQ Working Group (2010) Recommendations for in-situ data Near Real Time Quality Control [Version 1.2]. EuroGOOS, 23pp. DOI
attribute density_qc flag_meanings String GOOD, UNKNOWN, SUSPECT, FAIL, MISSING
attribute density_qc flag_values long 1, 2, 3, 4, 9
attribute density_qc ioos_category String Quality
attribute density_qc ioos_qc_module String qartod
attribute density_qc long_name String quality control flags for Density
attribute density_qc quality_control_conventions String IOOS QARTOD standard flags
attribute density_qc quality_control_set long 1
attribute density_qc standard_name String sea_water_density_flag
attribute density_qc valid_max byte 9
attribute density_qc valid_min byte 1
variable desired_heading   short  
attribute desired_heading _FillValue short 32767
attribute desired_heading actual_range short 0, 355
attribute desired_heading ioos_category String Unknown
attribute desired_heading long_name String glider desired heading angle
attribute desired_heading platform String platform
attribute desired_heading source String DesiredH
attribute desired_heading standard_name String platform_desired_orientation
attribute desired_heading units String degrees
variable distance_over_ground   float  
attribute distance_over_ground _FillValue float NaN
attribute distance_over_ground actual_range float 0.0, 594.232
attribute distance_over_ground ioos_category String Unknown
attribute distance_over_ground long_name String distance over ground flown since mission start
attribute distance_over_ground method String get_distance_over_ground
attribute distance_over_ground sources String latitude longitude
attribute distance_over_ground units String km
variable dive_num   short  
attribute dive_num _FillValue short 32767
attribute dive_num actual_range short 1, 502
attribute dive_num colorBarMaximum double 100.0
attribute dive_num colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute dive_num ioos_category String Statistics
attribute dive_num long_name String glider dive number from original SeaExplorer filename
attribute dive_num platform String platform
attribute dive_num source String fnum
attribute dive_num standard_name String dive_number
attribute dive_num units String None
variable heading   float  
attribute heading _FillValue float NaN
attribute heading actual_range float 0.006888004, 359.9868
attribute heading ioos_category String Unknown
attribute heading long_name String glider heading angle
attribute heading platform String platform
attribute heading source String Heading
attribute heading standard_name String platform_orientation
attribute heading units String degrees
variable internal_pressure   float  
attribute internal_pressure _FillValue float NaN
attribute internal_pressure actual_range float 70994.97, 76138.86
attribute internal_pressure ioos_category String Pressure
attribute internal_pressure long_name String internal pressure
attribute internal_pressure platform String platform
attribute internal_pressure source String Pa
attribute internal_pressure standard_name String internal_pressure
attribute internal_pressure units String Pa
variable internal_temperature   float  
attribute internal_temperature _FillValue float NaN
attribute internal_temperature actual_range float 3.9, 23.19896
attribute internal_temperature colorBarMaximum double 40.0
attribute internal_temperature colorBarMinimum double -10.0
attribute internal_temperature ioos_category String Temperature
attribute internal_temperature long_name String internal temperature
attribute internal_temperature platform String platform
attribute internal_temperature source String Temperature
attribute internal_temperature standard_name String internal_temperature
attribute internal_temperature units String Celsius
variable linear_cmd   short  
attribute linear_cmd _FillValue short 32767
attribute linear_cmd actual_range short 5, 100
attribute linear_cmd ioos_category String Unknown
attribute linear_cmd long_name String glider linear command
attribute linear_cmd platform String platform
attribute linear_cmd source String LinCmd
attribute linear_cmd standard_name String linear_command
attribute linear_cmd units String cm
variable linear_pos   float  
attribute linear_pos _FillValue float NaN
attribute linear_pos actual_range float 4.8, 101.5
attribute linear_pos ioos_category String Unknown
attribute linear_pos long_name String glider linear position
attribute linear_pos platform String platform
attribute linear_pos source String LinPos
attribute linear_pos standard_name String linear_position
attribute linear_pos units String cm
variable nav_resource   float  
attribute nav_resource _FillValue float NaN
attribute nav_resource actual_range float 100.0, 119.0
attribute nav_resource ioos_category String Statistics
attribute nav_resource long_name String nav resource
attribute nav_resource platform String platform
attribute nav_resource source String NAV_RESOURCE
attribute nav_resource standard_name String nav_resource
attribute nav_resource units String None
variable nav_state   short  
attribute nav_state _FillValue short 32767
attribute nav_state actual_range short 100, 119
attribute nav_state ioos_category String Statistics
attribute nav_state long_name String seaexplorer navigation state
attribute nav_state platform String platform
attribute nav_state source String NAV_RESOURCE
attribute nav_state standard_name String navigation_state
attribute nav_state units String None
variable oxygen_concentration   float  
attribute oxygen_concentration _FillValue float NaN
attribute oxygen_concentration accuracy String 2% or 2.0
attribute oxygen_concentration actual_range float 192.5199, 461.8104
attribute oxygen_concentration colorBarMaximum double 500.0
attribute oxygen_concentration colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute oxygen_concentration correct_oxygen String True
attribute oxygen_concentration instrument String instrument_phosphorescence
attribute oxygen_concentration ioos_category String Dissolved O2
attribute oxygen_concentration long_name String oxygen concentration
attribute oxygen_concentration missing_value float NaN
attribute oxygen_concentration observation_type String calculated
attribute oxygen_concentration oxygen_concentration_QC_RTQC_methodology String oxygen concentration corrected for salinity using gsw.O2sol_SP_pt withsalinity and potential temperature from dataset. Original oxygen concentration assumed to have been calculated using salinity = 0.0 PSU
attribute oxygen_concentration platform String platform
attribute oxygen_concentration reference_salinity String 0
attribute oxygen_concentration source String AROD_FT_DO
attribute oxygen_concentration standard_name String mole_concentration_of_dissolved_molecular_oxygen_in_sea_water
attribute oxygen_concentration units String mmol m-3
attribute oxygen_concentration valid_max float 425.0
attribute oxygen_concentration valid_min float 0.0
variable oxygen_concentration_qc   byte  
attribute oxygen_concentration_qc _FillValue byte 127
attribute oxygen_concentration_qc actual_range byte 1, 3
attribute oxygen_concentration_qc colorBarMaximum double 10.0
attribute oxygen_concentration_qc colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute oxygen_concentration_qc comment String Quality control flags from IOOS QC QARTOD Version: 2.1.0. Using config: [<Call stream_id=oxygen_concentration function=qartod.gross_range_test(suspect_span=[0, 350], fail_span=[0, 500])>, <Call stream_id=oxygen_concentration function=qartod.spike_test(suspect_threshold=10, fail_threshold=50)>, <Call stream_id=oxygen_concentration function=qartod.location_test(bbox=[10, 50, 25, 70])>].
attribute oxygen_concentration_qc flag_meanings String GOOD, UNKNOWN, SUSPECT, FAIL, MISSING
attribute oxygen_concentration_qc flag_values long 1, 2, 3, 4, 9
attribute oxygen_concentration_qc ioos_category String Quality
attribute oxygen_concentration_qc ioos_qc_module String qartod
attribute oxygen_concentration_qc long_name String quality control flags for oxygen concentration
attribute oxygen_concentration_qc quality_control_conventions String IOOS QARTOD standard flags
attribute oxygen_concentration_qc quality_control_set long 1
attribute oxygen_concentration_qc standard_name String mole_concentration_of_dissolved_molecular_oxygen_in_sea_water_flag
attribute oxygen_concentration_qc valid_max byte 9
attribute oxygen_concentration_qc valid_min byte 1
variable particulate_backscatter   float  
attribute particulate_backscatter _FillValue float NaN
attribute particulate_backscatter actual_range float -0.03128511, 0.08692026
attribute particulate_backscatter ioos_category String Unknown
attribute particulate_backscatter long_name String 700 nm b_bp: scattering of particles integrated over the backwards hemisphere
attribute particulate_backscatter missing_value float NaN
attribute particulate_backscatter observation_type String calculated
attribute particulate_backscatter processing String Particulate backscatter b_bp calculated following methods in the Ocean Observatories Initiative document DATA PRODUCT SPECIFICATION FOR OPTICAL BACKSCATTER (RED WAVELENGTHS) Version 1-05 Document Control Number 1341-00540 2014-05-28. Downloaded from
attribute particulate_backscatter standard_name String 700_nm_scattering_of_particles_integrated_over_the_backwards hemisphere
attribute particulate_backscatter units String m^{-1}
variable pitch   float  
attribute pitch _FillValue float NaN
attribute pitch actual_range float -83.56265, 66.90952
attribute pitch ioos_category String Unknown
attribute pitch long_name String glider pitch angle
attribute pitch platform String platform
attribute pitch source String Pitch
attribute pitch standard_name String platform_pitch_angle
attribute pitch units String degrees
variable potential_density   float  
attribute potential_density _FillValue float NaN
attribute potential_density accuracy String 0.01
attribute potential_density actual_range float 994.0392, 1005.826
attribute potential_density colorBarMaximum double 28.0
attribute potential_density colorBarMinimum double 20.0
attribute potential_density comment String raw, uncorrected salinity
attribute potential_density instrument String instrument_ctd
attribute potential_density ioos_category String Physical Oceanography
attribute potential_density long_name String water potential density
attribute potential_density method String get_derived_eos_raw
attribute potential_density missing_value float NaN
attribute potential_density observation_type String calulated
attribute potential_density platform String platform
attribute potential_density precision String 0.01
attribute potential_density sources String salinity temperature pressure
attribute potential_density standard_name String sea_water_potential_density
attribute potential_density units String kg m-3
variable potential_density_qc   byte  
attribute potential_density_qc _FillValue byte 127
attribute potential_density_qc actual_range byte 1, 4
attribute potential_density_qc colorBarMaximum double 10.0
attribute potential_density_qc colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute potential_density_qc comment String Quality control flags from IOOS QC QARTOD Version: 2.1.0. Using config: [<Call stream_id=temperature function=qartod.gross_range_test(suspect_span=[0, 30], fail_span=[-2.5, 40])>, <Call stream_id=temperature function=qartod.spike_test(suspect_threshold=2.0, fail_threshold=6.0)>, <Call stream_id=temperature function=qartod.location_test(bbox=[10, 50, 25, 70])>, <Call stream_id=conductivity function=qartod.gross_range_test(suspect_span=[5, 42], fail_span=[2, 45])>, <Call stream_id=salinity function=qartod.gross_range_test(suspect_span=[5, 38], fail_span=[2, 41])>, <Call stream_id=salinity function=qartod.spike_test(suspect_threshold=0.3, fail_threshold=0.9)>, <Call stream_id=salinity function=qartod.location_test(bbox=[10, 50, 25, 70])>]. Threshold values from EuroGOOS DATA-MEQ Working Group (2010) Recommendations for in-situ data Near Real Time Quality Control [Version 1.2]. EuroGOOS, 23pp. DOI
attribute potential_density_qc flag_meanings String GOOD, UNKNOWN, SUSPECT, FAIL, MISSING
attribute potential_density_qc flag_values long 1, 2, 3, 4, 9
attribute potential_density_qc ioos_category String Quality
attribute potential_density_qc ioos_qc_module String qartod
attribute potential_density_qc long_name String quality control flags for water potential density
attribute potential_density_qc quality_control_conventions String IOOS QARTOD standard flags
attribute potential_density_qc quality_control_set long 1
attribute potential_density_qc standard_name String sea_water_potential_density_flag
attribute potential_density_qc valid_max byte 9
attribute potential_density_qc valid_min byte 1
variable potential_temperature   float  
attribute potential_temperature _FillValue float NaN
attribute potential_temperature accuracy String 0.002
attribute potential_temperature actual_range float 1.486931, 35.5821
attribute potential_temperature colorBarMaximum double 32.0
attribute potential_temperature colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute potential_temperature comment String raw, uncorrected salinity
attribute potential_temperature instrument String instrument_ctd
attribute potential_temperature ioos_category String Temperature
attribute potential_temperature long_name String water potential temperature
attribute potential_temperature method String get_derived_eos_raw
attribute potential_temperature missing_value float NaN
attribute potential_temperature observation_type String calulated
attribute potential_temperature platform String platform
attribute potential_temperature precision String 0.001
attribute potential_temperature sources String salinity temperature pressure
attribute potential_temperature standard_name String sea_water_potential_temperature
attribute potential_temperature units String Celsius
variable potential_temperature_qc   byte  
attribute potential_temperature_qc _FillValue byte 127
attribute potential_temperature_qc actual_range byte 1, 4
attribute potential_temperature_qc colorBarMaximum double 10.0
attribute potential_temperature_qc colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute potential_temperature_qc comment String Quality control flags from IOOS QC QARTOD Version: 2.1.0. Using config: [<Call stream_id=temperature function=qartod.gross_range_test(suspect_span=[0, 30], fail_span=[-2.5, 40])>, <Call stream_id=temperature function=qartod.spike_test(suspect_threshold=2.0, fail_threshold=6.0)>, <Call stream_id=temperature function=qartod.location_test(bbox=[10, 50, 25, 70])>, <Call stream_id=conductivity function=qartod.gross_range_test(suspect_span=[5, 42], fail_span=[2, 45])>, <Call stream_id=salinity function=qartod.gross_range_test(suspect_span=[5, 38], fail_span=[2, 41])>, <Call stream_id=salinity function=qartod.spike_test(suspect_threshold=0.3, fail_threshold=0.9)>, <Call stream_id=salinity function=qartod.location_test(bbox=[10, 50, 25, 70])>]. Threshold values from EuroGOOS DATA-MEQ Working Group (2010) Recommendations for in-situ data Near Real Time Quality Control [Version 1.2]. EuroGOOS, 23pp. DOI
attribute potential_temperature_qc flag_meanings String GOOD, UNKNOWN, SUSPECT, FAIL, MISSING
attribute potential_temperature_qc flag_values long 1, 2, 3, 4, 9
attribute potential_temperature_qc ioos_category String Quality
attribute potential_temperature_qc ioos_qc_module String qartod
attribute potential_temperature_qc long_name String quality control flags for water potential temperature
attribute potential_temperature_qc quality_control_conventions String IOOS QARTOD standard flags
attribute potential_temperature_qc quality_control_set long 1
attribute potential_temperature_qc standard_name String sea_water_potential_temperature_flag
attribute potential_temperature_qc valid_max byte 9
attribute potential_temperature_qc valid_min byte 1
variable pressure   float  
attribute pressure _FillValue float NaN
attribute pressure accuracy String 0.5
attribute pressure actual_range float -0.1001, 246.014
attribute pressure colorBarMaximum double 5000.0
attribute pressure colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute pressure comment String ctd pressure sensor
attribute pressure instrument String instrument_ctd
attribute pressure ioos_category String Pressure
attribute pressure long_name String water pressure
attribute pressure missing_value float NaN
attribute pressure observation_type String measured
attribute pressure platform String platform
attribute pressure positive String down
attribute pressure reference_datum String sea-surface
attribute pressure source String LEGATO_PRESSURE
attribute pressure standard_name String sea_water_pressure
attribute pressure units String dbar
attribute pressure valid_max float 1000.0
attribute pressure valid_min float 0.0
variable profile_direction   short  
attribute profile_direction _FillValue short 32767
attribute profile_direction actual_range short -1, 1
attribute profile_direction colorBarMaximum double 360.0
attribute profile_direction colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute profile_direction comment String -1 = ascending, 1 = descending
attribute profile_direction ioos_category String Currents
attribute profile_direction long_name String profile direction
attribute profile_direction sources String pressure, time, dive_num
attribute profile_direction units String 1
variable profile_index   short  
attribute profile_index _FillValue short 32767
attribute profile_index actual_range short 1, 1004
attribute profile_index cf_role String timeseries_id
attribute profile_index coordinates String depth latitude longitude
attribute profile_index ioos_category String Identifier
attribute profile_index long_name String Profile Index
attribute profile_index sources String pressure, time, dive_num
attribute profile_index units String 1
variable profile_num   short  
attribute profile_num _FillValue short 32767
attribute profile_num actual_range short 1, 1004
attribute profile_num colorBarMaximum double 100.0
attribute profile_num colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute profile_num ioos_category String Statistics
attribute profile_num long_name String profile number
attribute profile_num sources String pressure, time, dive_num
attribute profile_num units String 1
variable roll   float  
attribute roll _FillValue float NaN
attribute roll actual_range float -57.59354, 92.50272
attribute roll ioos_category String Unknown
attribute roll long_name String glider roll angle
attribute roll platform String platform
attribute roll source String Roll
attribute roll standard_name String platform_roll_angle
attribute roll units String degrees
variable salinity   float  
attribute salinity _FillValue float NaN
attribute salinity accuracy String 0.01
attribute salinity actual_range float 4.336876E-19, 7.244105
attribute salinity colorBarMaximum double 37.0
attribute salinity colorBarMinimum double 32.0
attribute salinity comment String Corrected for pressure lag in post-processing. Corrected following Thermal lag from Thermal Inertia of Conductivity Cells: Observations with a Sea-Bird Cell Rolf G. Lueck and James J. Picklo<0756:TIOCCO>2.0.CO;2 as implemented by Dever M., Owens B., Richards C., Wijffels S., Wong A., Shkvorets I., Halverson M., and Jonhson G. (accepted). Static and dynamic performance of the RBRargo3 CTD. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology.
attribute salinity instrument String instrument_ctd
attribute salinity ioos_category String Salinity
attribute salinity long_name String water salinity
attribute salinity method String get_derived_eos_raw
attribute salinity missing_value float NaN
attribute salinity observation_type String calulated
attribute salinity platform String platform
attribute salinity precision String 0.01
attribute salinity sources String conductivity temperature pressure
attribute salinity standard_name String sea_water_practical_salinity
attribute salinity units String 1e-3
attribute salinity valid_max float 40.0
attribute salinity valid_min float 0.0
variable salinity_qc   byte  
attribute salinity_qc _FillValue byte 127
attribute salinity_qc actual_range byte 1, 4
attribute salinity_qc colorBarMaximum double 10.0
attribute salinity_qc colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute salinity_qc comment String Quality control flags from IOOS QC QARTOD Version: 2.1.0. Using config: [<Call stream_id=conductivity function=qartod.gross_range_test(suspect_span=[5, 42], fail_span=[2, 45])>, <Call stream_id=salinity function=qartod.gross_range_test(suspect_span=[5, 38], fail_span=[2, 41])>, <Call stream_id=salinity function=qartod.spike_test(suspect_threshold=0.3, fail_threshold=0.9)>, <Call stream_id=salinity function=qartod.location_test(bbox=[10, 50, 25, 70])>]. Threshold values from EuroGOOS DATA-MEQ Working Group (2010) Recommendations for in-situ data Near Real Time Quality Control [Version 1.2]. EuroGOOS, 23pp. DOI
attribute salinity_qc flag_meanings String GOOD, UNKNOWN, SUSPECT, FAIL, MISSING
attribute salinity_qc flag_values long 1, 2, 3, 4, 9
attribute salinity_qc ioos_category String Quality
attribute salinity_qc ioos_qc_module String qartod
attribute salinity_qc long_name String quality control flags for water salinity
attribute salinity_qc quality_control_conventions String IOOS QARTOD standard flags
attribute salinity_qc quality_control_set long 1
attribute salinity_qc standard_name String sea_water_practical_salinity_flag
attribute salinity_qc valid_max byte 9
attribute salinity_qc valid_min byte 1
variable security_level   short  
attribute security_level _FillValue short 32767
attribute security_level actual_range short 0, 16416
attribute security_level ioos_category String Unknown
attribute security_level long_name String security level
attribute security_level platform String platform
attribute security_level source String SecurityLevel
attribute security_level standard_name String security_level
attribute security_level units String None
variable temperature   float  
attribute temperature _FillValue float NaN
attribute temperature accuracy String 0.002
attribute temperature actual_range float 1.486691, 35.17286
attribute temperature colorBarMaximum double 32.0
attribute temperature colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute temperature comment String Corrected following Thermal lag from Thermal Inertia of Conductivity Cells: Observations with a Sea-Bird Cell Rolf G. Lueck and James J. Picklo<0756:TIOCCO>2.0.CO;2 as implemented by Dever M., Owens B., Richards C., Wijffels S., Wong A., Shkvorets I., Halverson M., and Jonhson G. (accepted). Static and dynamic performance of the RBRargo3 CTD. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology.
attribute temperature instrument String instrument_ctd
attribute temperature ioos_category String Temperature
attribute temperature long_name String water temperature
attribute temperature missing_value float NaN
attribute temperature observation_type String measured
attribute temperature platform String platform
attribute temperature source String LEGATO_TEMPERATURE
attribute temperature standard_name String sea_water_temperature
attribute temperature units String Celsius
attribute temperature valid_max float 42.0
attribute temperature valid_min float -5.0
variable temperature_oxygen   float  
attribute temperature_oxygen _FillValue float NaN
attribute temperature_oxygen accuracy String 0.01
attribute temperature_oxygen actual_range float 1.516, 33.261
attribute temperature_oxygen colorBarMaximum double 500.0
attribute temperature_oxygen colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute temperature_oxygen instrument String instrument_thermistor
attribute temperature_oxygen ioos_category String Temperature
attribute temperature_oxygen long_name String oxygen sensor temperature
attribute temperature_oxygen missing_value float NaN
attribute temperature_oxygen observation_type String measured
attribute temperature_oxygen platform String platform
attribute temperature_oxygen source String AROD_FT_TEMP
attribute temperature_oxygen standard_name String temperature_of_sensor_for_oxygen_in_sea_water
attribute temperature_oxygen units String Celsius
attribute temperature_oxygen valid_max float 45.0
attribute temperature_oxygen valid_min float -3.0
variable temperature_qc   byte  
attribute temperature_qc _FillValue byte 127
attribute temperature_qc actual_range byte 1, 3
attribute temperature_qc colorBarMaximum double 10.0
attribute temperature_qc colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute temperature_qc comment String Quality control flags from IOOS QC QARTOD Version: 2.1.0. Using config: [<Call stream_id=temperature function=qartod.gross_range_test(suspect_span=[0, 30], fail_span=[-2.5, 40])>, <Call stream_id=temperature function=qartod.spike_test(suspect_threshold=2.0, fail_threshold=6.0)>, <Call stream_id=temperature function=qartod.location_test(bbox=[10, 50, 25, 70])>]. Threshold values from EuroGOOS DATA-MEQ Working Group (2010) Recommendations for in-situ data Near Real Time Quality Control [Version 1.2]. EuroGOOS, 23pp. DOI
attribute temperature_qc flag_meanings String GOOD, UNKNOWN, SUSPECT, FAIL, MISSING
attribute temperature_qc flag_values long 1, 2, 3, 4, 9
attribute temperature_qc ioos_category String Quality
attribute temperature_qc ioos_qc_module String qartod
attribute temperature_qc long_name String quality control flags for water temperature
attribute temperature_qc quality_control_conventions String IOOS QARTOD standard flags
attribute temperature_qc quality_control_set long 1
attribute temperature_qc standard_name String sea_water_temperature_flag
attribute temperature_qc valid_max byte 9
attribute temperature_qc valid_min byte 1
variable vertical_distance_to_seafloor   float  
attribute vertical_distance_to_seafloor _FillValue float NaN
attribute vertical_distance_to_seafloor actual_range float 0.003695843, 31.11135
attribute vertical_distance_to_seafloor comment String Distance to the seafloor is calculated from the glider altimeter (see altimeter variable), which is oriented at 20 degrees from the vertical such that it is vertical when the glider is pitched downwards at 20 degrees.
attribute vertical_distance_to_seafloor ioos_category String Unknown
attribute vertical_distance_to_seafloor long_name String vertical distance from glider to seafloor
attribute vertical_distance_to_seafloor missing_value float NaN
attribute vertical_distance_to_seafloor platform String platform
attribute vertical_distance_to_seafloor source String Altitude
attribute vertical_distance_to_seafloor standard_name String vertical_distance_to_seafloor
attribute vertical_distance_to_seafloor units String m
variable voltage   float  
attribute voltage _FillValue float NaN
attribute voltage actual_range float 24.1616, 29.1
attribute voltage ioos_category String Unknown
attribute voltage long_name String glider voltage
attribute voltage platform String platform
attribute voltage source String Voltage
attribute voltage standard_name String platform_voltage
attribute voltage units String V

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