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Dataset Title:  Saltarv66-20240817T0829_adcp Subscribe RSS
Institution:  Voice of the Ocean Foundation   (Dataset ID: adcp_SEA066_M58)
Information:  Summary ? | License ? | Metadata | Background (external link) | Files | Make a graph
Dimensions ? Start ? Stride ? Stop ?  Size ?    Spacing ?
 time (UTC) ?      286073    10.000 s (uneven)
  < slider >
 cell (count) ?      30    1.0 (even)
  < slider >
 beam (count) ?      4    1.0 (even)
  < slider >
Grid Variables (which always also download all of the dimension variables) 
 adcp_correlation (percent) ?
 adcp_amplitude (dB) ?
 adcp_velocity (m/s) ?

File type: (more information)

(Documentation / Bypass this form) ?
(Please be patient. It may take a while to get the data.)


The Dataset Attribute Structure (.das) for this Dataset

Attributes {
  time {
    String _CoordinateAxisType "Time";
    Float64 _FillValue NaN;
    Float64 actual_range 1.723883455845e+9, 1.7267441740019999e+9;
    String axis "T";
    String calendar "proleptic_gregorian";
    String ioos_category "Time";
    String long_name "Time";
    String standard_name "time";
    String time_origin "01-JAN-1970 00:00:00";
    String units "seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z";
  cell {
    Int16 actual_range 0, 29;
    String ioos_category "Unknown";
    String long_name "Cell";
    String units "count";
  beam {
    Int16 actual_range 0, 3;
    String ioos_category "Unknown";
    String long_name "Beam";
    String units "count";
  adcp_correlation {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 100.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.0;
    String description "Percent (100 = full scale)";
    String ioos_category "Unknown";
    String long_name "Adcp Correlation";
    String units "percent";
  adcp_amplitude {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    String ioos_category "Unknown";
    String long_name "Adcp Amplitude";
    String units "dB";
  adcp_velocity {
    Float32 _FillValue NaN;
    String ioos_category "Currents";
    String long_name "Adcp Velocity";
    String units "m/s";
    String acknowledgement "This study used data collected and made freely available by Voice of the Ocean Foundation ( accessed from";
    String AD2CP "{'calibration_date': '2022-03-15', 'factory_calibrated': 'Yes', 'long_name': 'Nortek Glider1000 AD2CP', 'make': 'Nortek', 'make_model': 'Nortek AD2CP', 'model': 'AD2CP', 'serial': '103360'}";
    Int16 alternateEnable 0;
    String alternateEnable_description "Enable / disable the alternate configuration";
    String analogBoard "G-1";
    String analogBoard2_description "Analog board 2 version";
    String analogBoard_description "Analog board version";
    Int16 avg_activeBeams 4;
    String avg_activeBeams_description "Actual number of beams used for average mode";
    Float32 avg_altiEnd 30.0;
    String avg_altiEnd_description "Average mode end range for altitude measurement";
    Int16 avg_altimeter 0;
    String avg_altimeter_description "Enable (1) / disable (0) altimeter output";
    Float32 avg_altiStart 0.1;
    String avg_altiStart_description "Average mode start range for altitude measurement";
    Int32 avg_averagingInterval 1;
    String avg_averagingInterval_description "Average mode averaging interval (s)";
    String avg_bandwidth "BROAD";
    String avg_bandwidth_description "Average mode bandwidth (NARROW or BROAD)";
    Float32 avg_beam2xyz 0.6782, 0.0, -0.6782, 0.0, 0.0, -1.1831, 0.0, 1.1831, 0.74, 0.0, 0.74, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5518, 0.0, 0.5518;
    Int16 avg_beam2xyz_columns 4;
    String avg_beam2xyz_columns_description "Average XYZ co-ordinate transfer matrix number of columns";
    String avg_beam2xyz_description "Average XYZ co-ordinate transfer matrix";
    Int16 avg_beam2xyz_rows 4;
    String avg_beam2xyz_rows_description "Average XYZ co-ordinate transfer matrix number of rows";
    Float32 avg_blankingDistance 0.2;
    String avg_blankingDistance_description "Average mode distance to first cell (m)";
    Int16 avg_bottomTrack 1;
    String avg_bottomTrack_description "Enable (1) / disable (0) CP bottom tracking";
    Float32 avg_cellSize 1.0;
    String avg_cellSize_description "Average mode cell Size (m)";
    Int32 avg_channelMapping 0;
    String avg_channelMapping_description "Which beams are enabled in average mode (e.g. 1234 = beam 1 - 2 - 3 - 4)";
    String avg_coordSystem "BEAM";
    String avg_coordSystem_description "Average mode coordinate system";
    Int16 avg_enable 1;
    String avg_enable_description "Average mode enabled (1) or disabled (0)";
    Int32 avg_format 3;
    String avg_format_description "Average mode data record format";
    Int16 avg_ice 0;
    String avg_ice_description "Average mode enable (1) / disable (0) ice velocity measurements";
    Int32 avg_measurementInterval 10;
    String avg_measurementInterval_description "Average mode measurement interval (s)";
    Float32 avg_memoryUsage 0.238;
    String avg_memoryUsage_description "Average mode memory usage rate (MB/hr)";
    Int16 avg_mux 0;
    String avg_mux_description "Average mode multiplexor enable (0/1)";
    Int32 avg_nBeams 4;
    String avg_nBeams_description "Number of configured beams for average mode (0 = PLAN,VD based)";
    Int32 avg_nCells 30;
    String avg_nCells_description "Number of cells in the average mode profile";
    Int32 avg_nPings 4;
    String avg_nPings_description "Average mode number of pings per ensemble";
    Float32 avg_powerUsage 340.21;
    String avg_powerUsage_description "Power consumption for the current average mode settings (mW)";
    Int16 avg_rawAlti 0;
    String avg_rawAlti_description "Include/exclude raw altimeter data";
    Int32 avg_rawAltiSpacing 0;
    String avg_rawAltiSpacing_description "Add raw altimeter every 'N' avg measurement intervals";
    Float32 avg_transmitPower 0.0;
    String avg_transmitPower_description "Average mode transmit power level (-100 to 0) (dB)";
    Float32 avg_velocityPrecision 0.0;
    String avg_velocityPrecision_description "Average mode velocity precision";
    Float32 avg_velocityRange 2.5;
    String avg_velocityRange_description "Average mode velocity range along beam (m/s)";
    Int16 avgAltimeter_enable 0;
    Int16 avgRawAltimeter_enable 0;
    String avgRawAltimeter_enable_description "Enable avg raw enable data";
    String basin "Eastern Gotland Basin, Northern Baltic Proper";
    Float32 beamConfiguration1_bandwidth 25.0;
    String beamConfiguration1_bandwidth_description "Bandwidth (kHz)";
    Int16 beamConfiguration1_beam 1;
    String beamConfiguration1_beam_description "Beam number";
    Int16 beamConfiguration1_board 1;
    Float32 beamConfiguration1_frequency 1000.0;
    String beamConfiguration1_frequency_description "Center Frequency (kHz)";
    Int16 beamConfiguration1_hwbeam 1;
    Float32 beamConfiguration1_phi 0.0;
    String beamConfiguration1_phi_description "Phi angle (degrees)";
    Float32 beamConfiguration1_theta 47.5;
    String beamConfiguration1_theta_description "Theta angle (degrees)";
    Float32 beamConfiguration1_znominal 60.0;
    String beamConfiguration1_znominal_description "Nominal transducer impedance (ohms)";
    Float32 beamConfiguration2_bandwidth 25.0;
    String beamConfiguration2_bandwidth_description "Bandwidth (kHz)";
    Int16 beamConfiguration2_beam 2;
    String beamConfiguration2_beam_description "Beam number";
    Int16 beamConfiguration2_board 1;
    Float32 beamConfiguration2_frequency 1000.0;
    String beamConfiguration2_frequency_description "Center Frequency (kHz)";
    Int16 beamConfiguration2_hwbeam 2;
    Float32 beamConfiguration2_phi -90.0;
    String beamConfiguration2_phi_description "Phi angle (degrees)";
    Float32 beamConfiguration2_theta 25.0;
    String beamConfiguration2_theta_description "Theta angle (degrees)";
    Float32 beamConfiguration2_znominal 60.0;
    String beamConfiguration2_znominal_description "Nominal transducer impedance (ohms)";
    Float32 beamConfiguration3_bandwidth 25.0;
    String beamConfiguration3_bandwidth_description "Bandwidth (kHz)";
    Int16 beamConfiguration3_beam 3;
    String beamConfiguration3_beam_description "Beam number";
    Int16 beamConfiguration3_board 1;
    Float32 beamConfiguration3_frequency 1000.0;
    String beamConfiguration3_frequency_description "Center Frequency (kHz)";
    Int16 beamConfiguration3_hwbeam 3;
    Float32 beamConfiguration3_phi 180.0;
    String beamConfiguration3_phi_description "Phi angle (degrees)";
    Float32 beamConfiguration3_theta 47.5;
    String beamConfiguration3_theta_description "Theta angle (degrees)";
    Float32 beamConfiguration3_znominal 60.0;
    String beamConfiguration3_znominal_description "Nominal transducer impedance (ohms)";
    Float32 beamConfiguration4_bandwidth 25.0;
    String beamConfiguration4_bandwidth_description "Bandwidth (kHz)";
    Int16 beamConfiguration4_beam 4;
    String beamConfiguration4_beam_description "Beam number";
    Int16 beamConfiguration4_board 1;
    Float32 beamConfiguration4_frequency 1000.0;
    String beamConfiguration4_frequency_description "Center Frequency (kHz)";
    Int16 beamConfiguration4_hwbeam 4;
    Float32 beamConfiguration4_phi 90.0;
    String beamConfiguration4_phi_description "Phi angle (degrees)";
    Float32 beamConfiguration4_theta 25.0;
    String beamConfiguration4_theta_description "Theta angle (degrees)";
    Float32 beamConfiguration4_znominal 60.0;
    String beamConfiguration4_znominal_description "Nominal transducer impedance (ohms)";
    Int16 beamImplementation1_beam 1;
    String beamImplementation1_beam_description "Beam number";
    Float32 beamImplementation1_P0 100.0;
    String beamImplementation1_P0_description "Polynomial coefficient 0";
    Float32 beamImplementation1_P1 0.0;
    String beamImplementation1_P1_description "Polynomial coefficient 1";
    Float32 beamImplementation1_P2 0.0;
    String beamImplementation1_P2_description "Polynomial coefficient 2";
    Float32 beamImplementation1_P3 0.0;
    String beamImplementation1_P3_description "Polynomial coefficient 3";
    Float32 beamImplementation1_P4 0.0;
    String beamImplementation1_P4_description "Polynomial coefficient 4";
    Float32 beamImplementation1_temperature 0.0;
    String beamImplementation1_temperature_description "Temperature (Celsius)";
    Int16 beamImplementation2_beam 2;
    String beamImplementation2_beam_description "Beam number";
    Float32 beamImplementation2_P0 100.0;
    String beamImplementation2_P0_description "Polynomial coefficient 0";
    Float32 beamImplementation2_P1 0.0;
    String beamImplementation2_P1_description "Polynomial coefficient 1";
    Float32 beamImplementation2_P2 0.0;
    String beamImplementation2_P2_description "Polynomial coefficient 2";
    Float32 beamImplementation2_P3 0.0;
    String beamImplementation2_P3_description "Polynomial coefficient 3";
    Float32 beamImplementation2_P4 0.0;
    String beamImplementation2_P4_description "Polynomial coefficient 4";
    Float32 beamImplementation2_temperature 0.0;
    String beamImplementation2_temperature_description "Temperature (Celsius)";
    Int16 beamImplementation3_beam 3;
    String beamImplementation3_beam_description "Beam number";
    Float32 beamImplementation3_P0 100.0;
    String beamImplementation3_P0_description "Polynomial coefficient 0";
    Float32 beamImplementation3_P1 0.0;
    String beamImplementation3_P1_description "Polynomial coefficient 1";
    Float32 beamImplementation3_P2 0.0;
    String beamImplementation3_P2_description "Polynomial coefficient 2";
    Float32 beamImplementation3_P3 0.0;
    String beamImplementation3_P3_description "Polynomial coefficient 3";
    Float32 beamImplementation3_P4 0.0;
    String beamImplementation3_P4_description "Polynomial coefficient 4";
    Float32 beamImplementation3_temperature 0.0;
    String beamImplementation3_temperature_description "Temperature (Celsius)";
    Int16 beamImplementation4_beam 4;
    String beamImplementation4_beam_description "Beam number";
    Float32 beamImplementation4_P0 100.0;
    String beamImplementation4_P0_description "Polynomial coefficient 0";
    Float32 beamImplementation4_P1 0.0;
    String beamImplementation4_P1_description "Polynomial coefficient 1";
    Float32 beamImplementation4_P2 0.0;
    String beamImplementation4_P2_description "Polynomial coefficient 2";
    Float32 beamImplementation4_P3 0.0;
    String beamImplementation4_P3_description "Polynomial coefficient 3";
    Float32 beamImplementation4_P4 0.0;
    String beamImplementation4_P4_description "Polynomial coefficient 4";
    Float32 beamImplementation4_temperature 0.0;
    String beamImplementation4_temperature_description "Temperature (Celsius)";
    Float64 Blanking 0.20000000949949026;
    String bootloader "23";
    String bootloader_description "Doppler bootloader version";
    Int16 bt_activeBeams 4;
    String bt_activeBeams_description "Actual number of beams used for bottom track";
    Float32 bt_beam2xyz 0.6782, 0.0, -0.6782, 0.0, 0.0, -1.1831, 0.0, 1.1831, 0.74, 0.0, 0.74, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5518, 0.0, 0.5518;
    Int16 bt_beam2xyz_columns 4;
    String bt_beam2xyz_columns_description "Bottom track XYZ co-ordinate transfer matrix number of columns";
    String bt_beam2xyz_description "Bottom track XYZ co-ordinate transfer matrix";
    Int16 bt_beam2xyz_rows 4;
    String bt_beam2xyz_rows_description "Bottom track XYZ co-ordinate transfer matrix number of rows";
    Float32 bt_blankingDistance 0.1;
    String bt_blankingDistance_description "Bottom track distance to first cell (m)";
    Float32 bt_cellSize 0.05625;
    String bt_cellSize_description "Bottom track cell size (m)";
    Int32 bt_channelMapping 0;
    String bt_channelMapping_description "Bottom track channel mapping";
    Int32 bt_format 20;
    String bt_format_description "Bottom track data record format";
    Int16 bt_hwEnabled 0;
    String bt_hwEnabled_description "Bottom track HW mode enabled";
    Int16 bt_nBeams 4;
    String bt_nBeams_description "Number of configured beams for bottom track";
    Int32 bt_nCells 596;
    String bt_nCells_description "Number of cells used by bottom track,";
    Float32 bt_range 30.0;
    String bt_range_description "Bottom track measuring distance (m)";
    Float32 bt_rangeEnd 0.0;
    String bt_rangeEnd_description "Bottom track threshold end range (m)";
    Float32 bt_rangeStart 0.0;
    String bt_rangeStart_description "Bottom track threshold start range (m)";
    Float32 bt_threshHigh 0.0;
    String bt_threshHigh_description "Bottom track high thresholding value";
    Float32 bt_threshLow 0.0;
    String bt_threshLow_description "Bottom track low thresholding value";
    Float32 bt_transmitPower 0.0;
    String bt_transmitPower_description "Bottom track transmit power level (-100 to 0) (dB)";
    Float32 bt_velocityRange 5.0;
    String bt_velocityRange_description "Bottom track velocity range (m/s)";
    Int16 burst_enable 0;
    String burst_enable_description "Burst mode enabled (1) or disabled (0)";
    Int16 burstAltimeter_enable 0;
    Int16 bursthr_enable 0;
    Int16 bursthr_enable5 0;
    String bursthr_enable5_description "Enable high resolution mode on beam 5";
    String bursthr_enable_description "Enable HR mode for burst data";
    Int16 burstRawAltimeter_enable 0;
    String burstRawAltimeter_enable_description "Enable burst raw enable data";
    String cdm_data_type "Grid";
    Float32 CellSize 1.0;
    String comment "Glider flew on zt/zs=2 and alt=2 for full mission duration. Occationally it flew on a faster vertical speed. Be aware of negative values of legato pressure. This affects legato temperature and salinity data for these instances. The cause is likely dirt from watercolumn on the pressures sensor";
    Int16 compass 1;
    Int16 compass_calibrationMatrix 32528, 1062, -588, 347, 32767, -712, 91, -8, 31873;
    String compass_calibrationMatrix_description "Compass calibration matrix";
    Int16 compass_calibrationOffset 27, 197, 47;
    String compass_calibrationOffset_description "Compass calibration offsets";
    String compass_description "Compass installed";
    String contributor_name "Callum Rollo, Louise Biddle, Olle Petersson, Aleksandra Mazur, Marcus Melin, Gunnar Johnsson, Andrew Birkett, Michaela Edwinson";
    String contributor_role "Data Processor, PI, Head of Operations, Glider Technician, Glider Technician, Glider Technician, Glider Technician, Platform Coordinator";
    String Conventions "COARDS, CF-1.10, ACDD-1.3";
    String creator_email "";
    String creator_name "Callum Rollo";
    String creator_type "person";
    String creator_url "";
    String dataset_id "adcp_SEA066_M58";
    String date "2024-09-30 07:47:43.133 CEST";
    String date_created "2024-09-30T08:36:30Z";
    String date_description "Date of collection";
    String date_issued "2024-09-30T08:36:30Z";
    String deployment_end "2024-09-19T11:09:38.079000000";
    String deployment_id "58";
    String deployment_name "SAMBA";
    String deployment_start "2024-08-17T08:29:32.320000000";
    String digitalBoard "I-3";
    String digitalBoard_description "Digital board version";
    String disclaimer "Data, products and services from VOTO are provided 'as is' without any warranty as to fitness for a particular purpose.";
    Float64 droppedSets 0.0;
    String droppedSets_description "Number of data records dropped due to read errors";
    Int16 echo_enable 0;
    String echo_enable_description "Enable echo sounder (1/0)";
    Int16 enableNTP 0;
    Int16 enablePTP 0;
    Int32 endCollectionTime_seconds 1726747598;
    String endCollectionTime_seconds_description "Seconds since Jan 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC (s)";
    Float64 endCollectionTime_subseconds 0.5587989999999999;
    String endCollectionTime_subseconds_description "Fractional seconds (s)";
    Float64 EnsembleCount 1.0;
    Float32 Error 0.0;
    String exportRevision "4497";
    Float32 ExtendedStatus 32768.0;
    String file_directory_description "Data file directory";
    Int16 file_endAction 0;
    String file_endAction_description "On completion, stop recording (0), create new file(1), close file(2), create new file with instrument restart(4)";
    Int16 file_endCondition 0;
    String file_endCondition_description "File closed manually (0) or based on time(1), size(2) or number of records(4)";
    Float64 file_endSets 0.0;
    String file_endSets_description "Number of records to collect";
    Float64 file_endSize 0.0;
    String file_endSize_description "Size of data file to collect (KB)";
    Float64 file_endTime 0.0;
    String file_endTime_description "Length of time that collection should run for (s)";
    Int16 File_file_endAction 0;
    String File_file_endAction_description "On completion, stop recording (0), create new file(1), close file(2), create new file with instrument restart(4)";
    Int16 File_file_endCondition 0;
    String File_file_endCondition_description "File closed manually (0) or based on time(1), size(2) or number of records(4)";
    Float64 File_file_endSets 0.0;
    String File_file_endSets_description "Number of records to collect";
    Float64 File_file_endSize 0.0;
    String File_file_endSize_description "Size of data file to collect (KB)";
    Float64 File_file_endTime 0.0;
    String File_file_endTime_description "Length of time that collection should run for (s)";
    Int32 File_file_filenum 0;
    String File_file_filenum_description "File extension number";
    String File_file_prefix "sea066_M58.ad2cp";
    String File_file_prefix_description "Data file prefix";
    Int32 file_filenum 0;
    String file_filenum_description "File extension number";
    String File_ins_name "AD2CPRaw";
    String File_ins_name_description "Name of instrument";
    Float64 File_ins_runTime 1.219251824e+9;
    String File_ins_runTime_description "Length of time data was collected (ms)";
    String File_ins_typeName_description "Type of instrument";
    String file_prefix "AD2CPData";
    String file_prefix_description "Data file prefix";
    Int32 fpgaVersionDoppler 185;
    String fpgaVersionDoppler_description "Doppler FPGA version";
    Int32 fwMinorVersionDoppler 10;
    String fwMinorVersionDoppler_description "Doppler firmware minor version";
    Int32 fwVersionDoppler 3055;
    String fwVersionDoppler_description "Doppler firmware version";
    String glider_instrument_name "seaexplorer";
    String glider_model "SeaExplorer";
    String glider_name "Saltarv";
    String glider_serial "66";
    Int32 headFrequency 1000;
    String headFrequency_description "Head Frequency (kHz)";
    String history 
"relative velocity data from a glider mounted ADCP
2024-10-22T18:41:11Z (local files)
    String id "adcp_SEA066_M58";
    String ifaceBoard "H-4";
    String ifaceBoard_description "Interface board version";
    String infoUrl "";
    String ins_name "AD2CP";
    String ins_name_description "Name of instrument";
    Float64 ins_runTime 0.0;
    String ins_runTime_description "Length of time data was collected (ms)";
    String ins_typeName "AD2CP";
    String ins_typeName_description "Type of instrument";
    String institution "Voice of the Ocean Foundation";
    String instrumentName "Glider";
    Float64 instrumentOffsetTime 0.0;
    String instrumentOffsetTime_description "Offset from instrument time to platform time for MIDAS collected data (s)";
    Float64 instrumentOffsetTimeMatlab 0.0;
    String instrumentOffsetTimeMatlab_description "Offset from instrument time to platform time for on-line collected data (Matlab serial date number) (days)";
    String internalFilename_description "File name used for instrument storage";
    String keywords "20240817t0829, acoustic, adcp, adcp_amplitude, adcp_correlation, adcp_velocity, amplitude, beam, cell, correlation, current, currents, data, doppler, foundation, ocean, profiler, saltarv66, saltarv66-20240817t0829, time, velocity, voice";
    String license "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 ( This study used data collected and made freely available by Voice of the Ocean Foundation ( accessed from";
    Int16 maxBeams 4;
    String maxBeams_description "Number of transducers";
    Float32 NominalCorrelation 82.0;
    Float64 nSets 604186.0;
    String nSets_description "Total number of data records in this file";
    Float64 ntpPeerAddr 0.0;
    Float32 NumberofCells 30.0;
    Int16 oscilloscopeMode 0;
    String oscilloscopeMode_description "Oscilloscope mode enabled (1)/disabled (0)";
    Float32 physical_beam 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0;
    Int32 plan_frequency 1000;
    String plan_frequency_description "Transmit frequency when licensed (system dependent) (kHz)";
    Int16 plan_maxVelocity 10;
    String plan_maxVelocity_description "Absolute maximum vertical velocity (cm/s)";
    Int16 plan_nstt 0;
    String plan_nstt_description "Number of slots per second in plan";
    Float32 plan_powerUsage 341.55;
    String plan_powerUsage_description "Power consumption for the current plan settings (mW)";
    Int16 plan_verticalDirection 0;
    String plan_verticalDirection_description "Vertical Direction: 0=horizontal (4 beams), 1=descending(3 beams) 2=ascending (3 beams)";
    String platform "SeaExplorer Glider";
    Float32 PowerLevel 0.0;
    Int16 pressure 1;
    String pressure_description "Pressure sensor installed";
    Float32 pressureOffset 9.5;
    String pressureOffset_description "Offset to apply to pressure readings (dbar)";
    String processing_level "L0 uncorrected ADCP data";
    String project "SAMBA";
    String project_url "";
    String publisher_email "";
    String publisher_name "Callum Rollo";
    String publisher_type "person";
    String publisher_url "";
    String rawConfiguration 
"GETCLOCKSTR,TIME=\"2024-07-17 16:22:55\"\r
LISTLICENSE,KEY=\"2F9GJW861GZ1B\",DESC=\"Averaging Mode\",TYPE=1\r
LISTLICENSE,KEY=\"TPBF7730KGZ1B\",DESC=\"16GB Recorder\",TYPE=11\r
    String rawConfiguration_continued 
    String rawConfiguration_description "Raw instrument configuration string";
    Float32 salinity 0.0;
    String salinity_description "Salinity (0.0-50.0) (ppt)";
    String sea_name "Baltic";
    String sensorBoard "I-0";
    String sensorBoard_description "Sensor board version";
    Float64 SerialNumber 103360.0;
    Float64 serialNumberDoppler 103360.0;
    Float32 soundVelocity 0.0;
    String soundVelocity_description "Velocity of sound (1300-1700, 0 = calculated by sensor) (m/s)";
    String source "relative velocity data from a glider mounted ADCP";
    String sourceUrl "(local files)";
    Int32 spectrum1_channelMappingCfg 0;
    String spectrum1_channelMappingCfg_description "Alternate configuration channel mapping currently in use";
    Int16 spectrum1_decimation 0;
    String spectrum1_decimation_description "Alternate configuration spectrum data decimation value";
    Int16 spectrum1_enable 0;
    String spectrum1_enable_description "Enable spectrum data";
    Int16 spectrum_enable 0;
    String spectrum_enable_description "Enable spectrum data";
    String standard_name_vocabulary "CF Standard Name Table v70";
    Int32 startCollectionTime_seconds 1721233379;
    String startCollectionTime_seconds_description "Seconds since Jan 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC (s)";
    Float64 startCollectionTime_subseconds 0.43829999999999997;
    String startCollectionTime_subseconds_description "Fractional seconds (s)";
    String summary "Part of SAMBA continuous monitoring";
    String swRevision_description "Software revision";
    Int16 temperature 1;
    String temperature_description "Temperature sensor installed";
    String testOutOfDate "now-24days";
    Int16 tilt 1;
    String tilt_description "Tilt sensor installed";
    String time_coverage_end "2024-09-19T11:09:34Z";
    String time_coverage_start "2024-08-17T08:30:55Z";
    Int16 timeSync 0;
    String timeSync_description "Time sync mode (0 = disabled, 1 = PTP, 2 = NTP)";
    Int32 timeZoneOffset 7200;
    String timeZoneOffset_description "Offset of platform local time from GMT (s)";
    String title "Saltarv66-20240817T0829_adcp";
    Int16 tmavg_en 0;
    String tmavg_en_description "Enable averaging mode telemetry";
    Int16 tmbt_en 0;
    String tmbt_en_description "Enable bottom track mode telemetry";
    Int16 tmburst_en 0;
    String tmburst_en_description "Enable burst mode telemetry";
    Int16 tmWave1_en 0;
    String tmWave1_en_description "Alternate configuration enable wave processing data";
    Int16 tmWave_en 0;
    String tmWave_en_description "Enable wave processing telemetry data";
    Int32 trig_en 0;
    String trig_en_description "Enable sync trigger";
    Float32 user_decl 0.0;
    String user_decl_description "Magnetic Declination (degrees)";
    Int16 user_HxHyHz 22, 10, -1;
    String user_HxHyHz_description "User magnetometer offsets";
    Int16 wave1_en 0;
    String wave1_en_description "Enable wave processing data";
    Int16 wave_en 0;
    String wave_en_description "Enable wave processing data";
    String wmo_id "6801505";


Using griddap to Request Data and Graphs from Gridded Datasets

griddap lets you request a data subset, graph, or map from a gridded dataset (for example, sea surface temperature data from a satellite), via a specially formed URL. griddap uses the OPeNDAP (external link) Data Access Protocol (DAP) (external link) and its projection constraints (external link).

The URL specifies what you want: the dataset, a description of the graph or the subset of the data, and the file type for the response.

griddap request URLs must be in the form{?query}
For example,[(2002-06-01T09:00:00Z)][(-89.99):1000:(89.99)][(-179.99):1000:(180.0)]
Thus, the query is often a data variable name (e.g., analysed_sst), followed by [(start):stride:(stop)] (or a shorter variation of that) for each of the variable's dimensions (for example, [time][latitude][longitude]).

For details, see the griddap Documentation.

ERDDAP, Version 2.24
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